Sources: NFL teams have uniform report dates

A new NFL collective bargaining agreement approved in March has quietly brought about changes to training camp rules that will affect this summer.

Whereas teams used to be required to report to training camp 15 days before their preseason opener, 28 NFL teams now must report July 28 — which is 47 or 48 days before Week 1 of the regular season — league sources said.

The teams playing Sunday, Sept. 13, must report to camp 47 days before their opener, and the teams scheduled to play Monday, Sept. 14, must report 48 days before that game.

The four teams not reporting July 28 are the Kansas City Chiefs, Houston Texans, Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers. The Chiefs and Texans are scheduled to kick off the regular season on Thursday, Sept. 10, and are required to report to camp the same 47 days in advance of the opener, which would be July 25. The Cowboys and Steelers are set for the Hall of Fame preseason opener Aug. 6 and will report July 22, 15 days before that game.